Well ladies and Gentleman, just when we thought we were done with her she returns! Oh yes! The title is from Batman (this is my third blog about packer lady, and the third Batman movie was titled Batman Forever). That kind of defeats the purpose of the "Allusion" when you actually have to explain it doesn't it?
Anyway, it all started bright and early on Sunday morning when I was running around the store changing the signs so we didn't have any stupid customers try and argue what the price is. So that was going all fine and dandy when my idiot manager approaches me and says "Andrew, you didn't put up the promotion banner last night"... First of all you idiot I didn't work last night so
didn't forget
, secondly it should have been put up because I left it out, and a list of detailed instructions so the new guy would know how to put it up outside the store. But nope, he didn't do it, so I told idiot manager that I will wait until 10:00 when Andrea gets there, so we can do it together (it is a two man job).
So ten o'clock rolls around and Andrea's bright and Cheery face comes in and I tell her new guy did not put up the banner. I her that her and I will have to, so she says "Alright, I'll go get the banner if you want to grab the huge ladder". I ran off to the warehouse to grab the ladder, and went up front to wait for her (Standing with the gigantic ladder in my hands), when through the corner of my eye I saw my favorite woman of all time... That's right folks, PACKER LADY! So, Andrea was taking a while and instead of just standing there I decided to go put up the ladder and wait for Andrea outside (Plus I did not want to see packer lady's permanent scowled face!). Just as I left I guess Andrea got up front and was waiting for me, and since I was outside, she though "I'll pack some bags while Andrew is bringing the ladder up front". I must say, Andrea picked the wrong till at the wrong time. She goes to pack, just as Packer ladies order was finished, so Andrea comes outside when she saw me and says "I think you and I are going to get complaints today, I went to pack for Hayley's till just as [packer lady] was finished", and she says "OH, SO NOW YOU SHOW UP?? I HAVE TO PACK MY OWN BAGS, AND THE LADY BEHIND ME DOESN'T???", so Andrea was saying she was shouting and swearing and wanting to speak to a manager. I kind of knew something was up when I was setting up the ladder, as packer lady left the store she gave me one of the worst death glares I have ever seen! HAHAHA so I politely shouted as she past me "You have a great day too ma'am!" HAHAHAHA STUPID BAG!
Anyway, apparently she told the managers that no one is every packing groceries, and we are rude to customers (this is before I sarcastically told her to have a nice day), and the list goes on. I immediately called the non-idiot manager and told him that the lady has a few screws loose in her head, and she gets mad if I get called off to do a price check when I'm packing her order, and she had to do it herself, and how she expects us to carry the groceries to her house. So anyway, the non-idiot manager knows how hard I work so he told me not to worry about it, and they'll keep an eye out for this lady.
What a bag! Next time she's in I'll ask her "What did you have for breakfast today? Carnations instant Bitch?" HAHAHAHA
Have a pleasant afternoon ladies and Gentlemen
P.S. She was in the following Tuesday, and when she came up to the till, I made eye contact with her and went and grabbed a broom and swept instead! Oh what a **** disturber I am! Until she treats Andrea, Calvin and I with a little respect, I wont serve her. Even Johnny Cash hates packer lady!