Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!

So, following the example set by The square root of Andrew squared, I felt it was time for a little bit of an update. A little bonus for you as well: included in my update there is a stupid (but not bad) customer story as well!

I transferred up to UNBC this year, and it is quite different than CNC. It is not different in terms of the work load, or difficulty though. Many people who have been up at the University have told me that I should expect WAY more work, but this hasn't been the case. The work load has been pretty much the same: a lot of writing = very busy. The main difference I have noticed is the MUCH larger classes. At the College the largest class I probably had was about 30 people or so, but at the University I have one class with OVER 60 people in it! CRAZY! Also the fact that the College is more personable: I know all my professors from the College on a first name basis, but at the University, one of my professors still keeps asking me "I've seen you around before... Have you been in one of my classes last year?"... To which I respond "Nope... I was in your office yesterday asking a question". But overall, I'm finally starting to know my way around, and am liking the University; it is a very nice campus.

I was also just hired by the University as well! There is a girl in the Terrace campus taking a Geography course offered at our campus, and they need to set up the Poly-comm system for her to participate in our class. The regional campus office was going to train my professor Jim how to do it, but he wanted to leave the opportunity open for any student who needs to make some extra cash. So I was the only one who volunteered to do it, and now I actually get paid to go to class.

I also, for all of you who knew I was looking to buy a new guitar, finally bought one! It's very nice looking, and great sounding too! I'm very pumped about that!

Anyways, That's all I have for now,




Blogger Myrica said...

Wheres the customer story, maybe its just me and I'm blind and missed it, but if that is the case tell me. I LOVE reading those :)

Tuesday, 09 October, 2007  

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