Friday, November 24, 2006

Papers, Essays, Exams Oh My!

Hey Folks,

Just a quick question for you... I know I know, this really isn't a work related rant and rave, but I still feel it's worthy of your attention.

What do you prefer, Essays/Term Papers, or Exams and Exam Essays?

I do truly believe, that although Term papers do test your ability to argue a point using proper grammar and English, they don't test your knowledge. All a term paper really does is test your ability to say what other people have already said! They are the most worthless things I have ever seen! People have told me that they prefer Essays over Exams, but at least on an exam, you are being tested for what you know, and not your ability to pull up things that other people know! I would much rather write an Exam essay over a Term Paper any day (I do much better on exams also)! But this is my opinion, what do you think?




Blogger Myrica said...

Exam Essay all the way, much easier and there is also more leway with the marking because teachers usually know that you don't have a lot of time. Essays/Term Papers just take up more time than one has to basically repeat everything that has already been said, it a unique way.
Well, thats just this humble students opinion. Good luck on your exams.

Friday, 24 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think essay's are crap all together. Who needs this airy fairy attemp to show the teacher what you know. All essays do is test your ability to bs and steal other people's information. "leway with the marking" ! what? that's bs as well...there should be no ambiguity in how marking is done. It should be cut and dry so that things are fair. The best way to show that you know something is to do a project, but that takes even more time.

Leave the "essays" for those hippies in the English classes!

Friday, 24 November, 2006  
Blogger Adam Ethier said...

I'm going to have to say the the exam essay's. I agree with your point about just re-writing down thing that have already been writen down...and thats not being productive at all. I must say though, working at a college, I have noticed that when ever a prof assigns a paper in class, you can talk to them when it comes to marking them and they all hate it. so I guess it matters...if you don't like your teacher, write a long paper for them to read through, and if you like you teacher, try to persuade them to have multipul choice tests instead :P. I myself prefer exam just cause I don't really give a second thought to what I'm writing if I only have a certain amoount of time....and sometimes it comes out really interesting :P.

Friday, 24 November, 2006  
Blogger Jane said...

I think you're all pissy biased people who have just never had the opportunity to write an awesome essay. That's what I say. When I studied theology, I had to learn (the hard way, for me and many people), that my ideas aren't important. That's because I'm dealing with concepts that have been around for, primarily 1500-2000 years, and there are many that are spurted from those concepts that are still being debated. If I don't learn what other people have already gone through, then I'm in no place to state my own opinion because it'll be uninformed and of no credit. Therefore, I have to learn about the different movements that have occured, how they occured, and what their impact now is like.

And Andrew, to say essays just "steal other people's information" is kind of weird. If you wanted your information not to be used, why the hell would you write a book about it?! That's what I say. And I'm being bold in my statements because I'm the only one vouching for essays here. Black/white marking works well when there is only one answer, but it bombs when there is more than one answer with varying degrees of 'rightness' in each.


Friday, 01 December, 2006  

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