Monday, November 20, 2006

Packer Lady Returns!

Hey Folks,

So! Do you remember in my first post I mention the lady that said "Why the hell am I packing my own groceries?" Well this Sunday she returned! That's right folk, the stupid lady came back, and this time with more attitude. On Grey Cup Sunday it took both Calvin (one of my co-workers) and myself to do buggies because it was so busy in the store and these buggies were shooting out into the parking lot blocking the road. So Calvin and I go to do buggies, and when I come back in, this lady grabs one of the cashier's arms and says "Where are all the packers?" and The Cashier says "Well, They are here, and on till 6", and the lady says "Why aren't they packing my groceries"... I got very chapped at this comment so I said to the lady "Well you see, it's very busy in here today, and the buggies were blocking off the parking lot. I could go put them all back, come pack for you, and keep you blocked in the store for two, maybe three hours, then go do buggies if you want"... HAHAHA. The lady didn't find that as funny as I did. So then I left to go pack for a different till, and I hear Brittany (A Cashier friend of mine) call a manager to till 5, so I think GEEZE it better not be about that stupid lady... So I call Brittany and say "Is it about that lady there"... And kind of nod with my head, and Brittany said yes... So I said "Is she complaining about packers??" and she said yes... "So I roll my eyes and said, Oh sweet Jesus!!" Then I hung up the phone and just kept packing. The lady must of thought that I was a manager, because when She saw that I was ignoring her after I talked to Brittany, the lady takes here Buggy and leaves the store! HAHA!! I WIN 1 TO NOTHING!!!!!

So, I got even more chapped later in the day when I went to pack for Brittany and she told me that the lady was yelling at her too!! Apparently while Brit was packing her own bags after ringing up the items and putting them in the buggy for the lady, the stupid lady was like "You shouldn't have to do that! You should have a packer!" So Brit apologizes, and the lady yells and says "It's not your fault, you shouldn't have to do this, get a packer here". This cycle of Brit apologizing and the lady yelling went through three times. Stupid lady, IF IT'S NOT HER FAULT THEN DON'T YELL AT HER!!! I tell you folks, we should put all the stupid people in the world, put them on a steam ship, and send them all to Antarctica!

On a more positive note, my friend Adam's sister Jane is getting married, and I will be playing guitar at her wedding!! Very exciting, I can't wait! Congratulations, Andy and Jane :)

Have a great day folks (and week if I don't post before then)




Blogger Jane said...

Hey Rosser!
I totally -just- stumbled on your blog from when you signed our site, and I'm so excited! I love your stories, they're so good! And good thing you're blogging them now, cause later in life when you're old and have nothing better to do, you can write a book about your life as a grocery store worker. I'd totally read it.
So yeah. you're on my RSS feed now, so I hope you update soon!!

Thursday, 23 November, 2006  

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